Wellington hosts New Zealand Convention

The 2016 New Zealand Convention was held at the Wharewaka on the Wellington waterfront and was well attended by people from Revival Centres across New Zealand and Australia, as well as a few who came over from Fiji.
The focus this year was on how we are ordinary people whose lives have been transformed by the extraordinary experience of receiving the Holy Spirit and witnessing first-hand the power of a living God. While convention is always a great opportunity for RCC people to come together to fellowship and encourage one another, the purpose of the weekend was also to outreach to the people of Wellington, and to give them the opportunity to hear the word of God in a casual, friendly environment.
The great venue – and two beautiful sunny days – provided plenty of opportunity to get out and mingle with people on the busy waterfront, sharing the word of God with them and inviting them to attend any of our events over the weekend. Testimony boards (which lit up at night!) were set up outside the venue and featured accounts of real miracles that God has performed in the lives of RCC people; these attracted passersby to stop for a read and to chat with people from the assemblies about how a living God can change lives.
It was encouraging to see visitors attending the meetings, where they heard the Bible message of salvation, lively chorus sessions, inspiring testimonies on how God is healing the sick and transforming lives, and an account of how revival is happening right now in Papua New Guinea.  For those not quite brave enough to venture in it was still possible to linger outside and enjoy the sound of some great music, especially during the Saturday and Sunday night concerts.
An amazing weekend of outreach was capped off by two people receiving the Holy Spirit, and a number of interested people provided contact details for future follow up.
It was certainly a convention that left us all energized, inspired and ready to share our ‘extraordinary’ experience in Christ with others.


Petone Fair Outreach


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