My midwife found a lump on my womb

Lesley Hoskin and her husband Brett

When I was five months pregnant with my second child the midwife found a lump on my womb.

I had felt it there for some time, but had for some reason thought it was the baby’s foot. The midwife arranged an emergency scan for the next day realising that the lump was the likely cause for the contractions I was experiencing at the time. The pressure was putting me into premature labour.

Since giving birth to a healthy son, I had miscarried three times before this pregnancy. I was feeling despondent. After many months of prayer I felt that the Lord had let me down. Our first child had been born after I was healed of endometriosis during the pregnancy. I had assumed that God had healed me altogether. Now after much difficulty, my second long-term pregnancy seemed to be ending in disaster. It looked as though I had not been healed at all, and would lose the baby.

A Christian friend reminded me that our first child was born by a miracle, she said to me “even if you think at this moment the Lord didn’t heal you, you know he still answered your prayer. You had a healthy child so you know you need to pray again.” It was wise counsel. Even though I was miscarrying, I began praying fervently that the Lord would save this child (I didn’t want to go through morning sickness all over again).
When the midwife confirmed I might lose the baby, I just decided that I was going to be faithful. God had saved our first child and He would do it again. I remember praying to the Lord, “this time Lord, I’m really going to try and trust you and not doubt.” That night I lay down on the couch to pray. I put my hand on the lump and asked the Lord to make it go away. After a short time our son woke and I got up to check on him. When I lay back on the couch to continue praying the lump had gone. I continued to pray and thank the Lord. I did not tell anyone that I had been healed, but I was really excited.
When we went for the scan the next day, the radiologist eventually said “are you sure it is the right-hand side?” and the midwife said “yes, but check the other side just in case,” the midwife then started to say, “it was really there – wasn’t it Lesley?” I sat up on the bed and said “I want you to know that you have just witnessed a real miracle. We all felt the lump yesterday but through prayer, God has healed me.” The radiologist looked at the midwife and said, “well it’s not he first miracle I’ve ever seen.”

The pregnancy went on to full-term and I gave birth to a healthy baby girl, thanks to God’s healing power.

Lesley Hoskin


Q&A with Donna Byrne


An incredible gift