Q&A with Donna Byrne

How did I you get saved?

I received the Holy Spirit because God is good and merciful, not by my own works. All it took was changing my mind about who was going to be in control of my life and asking Him in. That change came about when I saw what God had done for my sister-in-law, and I wanted the opportunity to know if it was available for me.  She had been healed from alcohol dependence when she received the Holy Spirit. She just seemed to have a direction and a peace that I was attracted to. I thought I would need to sort everything in my life out before getting baptised because God wouldn’t want me unless everything was perfect. But the more I tried to get sorted, the less sorted things became – we had a car crash and wrote the car off, the house leaked, I was too busy with two young children. But I couldn’t get the Lord out of my mind. I eventually decided just to take the plunge and get baptised regardless of how things were in my life at the time. It was two long days before I received the Holy Spirit, which I knew because I could speak in tongues. It amazed me that the Lord would want me even with the written off car and the leaky house!  I immediately realised swearing would be a thing of the past. How could blessing and cursing come out of the same mouth. Jesus was right there with me and I could not deny His presence. I couldn’t get enough of reading the bible. Every page contained exciting promises and I was getting to know this God that I finally had in my life. I am still amazed He would want to call me one of His own. We used to sing When The Saints Go Marching In at school and I thought “that won’t be me because only special people are saints.”  How wrong I was. Not special of themselves, but chosen by God.

Why did it ‘stick’?

I am still pressing on with the Lord because a huge price was paid for my salvation – the life of Jesus Christ. How could I pass up such a gift? Scarce would a man give up his life for a friend. Let alone a stranger – that’s what I was, a stranger. Plus I really like the life I have now. I can pray and know my prayers are heard, and have a hope in every situation. I know what my end will be and I no longer fear death.  I am not bound by what the world ordains as there is always another option with God.  I have great brothers and sisters in the Lord who will support and encourage me in my walk. I have life and more abundantly.

Favourite healing testimony?

So many! I was healed from a bee sting which would normally cripple me for a few weeks. I was able to get the kids home from the park, make dinner, and head off to the house meeting within an hour. Praise the Lord!

When my son was a child, he burned himself when playing with the cigarette lighter in the car. It had been hurting him all day but he wouldn’t let me pray for him. When he consented to let me pray for him, the pain disappeared.

I struggled with depression for six months after a stillbirth. After prayer with a friend one evening, I felt an amazing peace and felt as though the lights came back on. I can still feel now what a relief it was many years ago.

Favourite thing about Revival Centres Church?

What’s not to love?! Encouraging and faithful brothers and sisters, all with similar experiences of the Lord. What an amazing and powerful group to be around. I love hearing the testimonies and seeing people lives be transformed through the Holy Spirit experience.

Favourite Revival Centres Church event to date?

Battle of the bands.  It was a great opportunity to encourage one another and welcome newcomers to see how good God is.


Q&A with Dan Byrne


My midwife found a lump on my womb